Erosion and Sedimentation Program
As residents of Pennsylvania, access to clean water is our right, and the Clearfield County Conservation District does everything within its delegated power to keep our waterways and waterbodies clean and free of pollution and contaminants. Not only is that important to the residents of Clearfield County, but to everyone 'downstream' as well, seeing as all water (and pollutants in it) flow downstream from one community to the next.
The Clearfield County Conservation District is delegated to oversee the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's (PA DEP) Chapter 102 Erosion Control Regulations. In doing so, we mitigate the amount of soil lost from construction sites and agricultural lands in order to halt the deposition of sediment throughout the waters of Pennsylvania. Across the United States, sedimentation is the most common pollutant in waterways, and in the state of Pennsylvania, sedimentation is the leading cause of water impairment.
Sedimentation in waterways can cause a detrimental disruption of the natural ecology, severely harming and even killing entire aquatic communities. Nutrients attached to soil particles that make their way into water sources cause nutrient pollution, eutrophication, algal blooms, and more. For humans in particular, sedimentation pollutes both our drinking and recreational waters, and raises the cost of potable water.
Our actions concerning Chapter 102 Erosion Control Regulations aim to stop the impairment of waterways at its source. Remember to minimize your earth disturbance, and call us for information regarding methods of curtailing erosion and sedimentation.
The Clearfield County Conservation District is delegated to oversee the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's (PA DEP) Chapter 102 Erosion Control Regulations. In doing so, we mitigate the amount of soil lost from construction sites and agricultural lands in order to halt the deposition of sediment throughout the waters of Pennsylvania. Across the United States, sedimentation is the most common pollutant in waterways, and in the state of Pennsylvania, sedimentation is the leading cause of water impairment.
Sedimentation in waterways can cause a detrimental disruption of the natural ecology, severely harming and even killing entire aquatic communities. Nutrients attached to soil particles that make their way into water sources cause nutrient pollution, eutrophication, algal blooms, and more. For humans in particular, sedimentation pollutes both our drinking and recreational waters, and raises the cost of potable water.
Our actions concerning Chapter 102 Erosion Control Regulations aim to stop the impairment of waterways at its source. Remember to minimize your earth disturbance, and call us for information regarding methods of curtailing erosion and sedimentation.
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