Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permits
The Clearfield County Conservation District is now delegated to oversee the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) Chapter 105 Dam Safety and Encroachments Regulations. The Conservation District now has the ability to issue permits for activities in and near streams and wetlands.
Per Pennsylvania’s Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (25 PA Administrative Code Chapter 105), a Permit is required for projects involving the construction, modification, or relocation of any dam, water obstruction, or encroachment. The Act defines encroachment as “any structure or activity that in any manner changes, expands, or diminishes, the course, current, or cross-section of any watercourse, floodway, or body of water,” which including wetlands. GP’s were created for activities or structures that do not pose a significant threat to flooding or the environment.
The Conservation District is able to issue the following Chapter 105 General Permits (GPs)
- GP-1 – Fish Habitat Enhancement Structures: This permit is used for the installation of fish habitat structures that have been approved by the PA Fish & Boat Commission
- GP-2 – Small Docks & Boat Launching Ramps: This permit authorizes the installation of pile-supported and floating docks on lakes.
- GP-3 – Bank Rehabilitation, Bank Stabilization, & Gravel Bar Removal: This permit authorizes projects that involve bank stabilization or gravel bar removal on/in streams.
- GP-4 – Intake & Outfall Structures: This permit is used for projects such as the installation of a dry fire hydrant or a “clean water” drainpipe outfall.
- GP-5 – Utility Line Stream Crossings: This permit applies to any utility line (gas, oil, sewer, or water) that crosses under or over a stream or wetland.
- GP-6 – Agricultural Crossings & Ramps: This permit is to be used when crossings and ramps are installed for agricultural purposes.
- GP-7 – Minor Road Crossings: This permit can be utilized when establishing a permanent road (not a parking lot) crossing through a wetland or stream using a bridge or culvert or clean fill material.
- GP-8 – Temporary Road Crossings: This permit is used to establish a temporary culvert or bridge crossing.
- GP-9 – Agricultural Activities: This permit authorizes agricultural activities (grassed waterways, terraces, diversions, waste storage facilities, spring development, or minor drainage) that encroach into streams or their flood ways.
For information about these permits, the application process, and fees please contact Fred Berry or Sylvia Rensel at the Clearfield County Conservation District, 814-765-2629. You may also visit www.depgreenport.state.pa.us for more information.